Another big week in London town for me.
This week I started at the new job in Chelsea. Working for Sky doing various things I've done before. Its been so long since I started a new job though I think I'd forgotten what it was like. The whole orienting yourself to the subtle differences contained in each office while at the same time noticing how everything is pretty similar. In the last job we dialled 0 to get an outside line, here they dial 9, back home half the time we had huge system issues and mindless rules built into the system to make your job that much harder, here they do exactly the same thing. There are some fun people though so at least it has that going for it. And certainly in this economic climate I'm lucky to have any kind of job and at lunch time I get to wander down The Kings Road or walk by the Thames as opposed to wandering down Collins St or walking by the Yarra. I'm glad for a little bit of routine for the moment really, settles me down a bit and helps me think. The last week it has struck me that I need to formulate my next big plan. I planned this trip, the whole getting over here and travelling and working thing. Now that I know I can do it I have to come up with my next plan. I've decided that it cant just be another trip somewhere, it has to be more of a challenge than that. Something that means that I don't have to spend my life working nine to five is what I'm thinking might be what the next plan consists of. I have a vague idea of what it could be but until I've decided for sure and its all cemented in I cant really tell you about it.
Not now but soon.
So yes apart from the run of the mill office stuff I've been spending my week getting to and from work which, with the crowds and the rain we've had has sometimes been an adventure. I've always made it though. Then at lunchtime I like to get out and go for a walk. There are at least 2 chocolate shops within 5 mins of my work, one being Godiva and the other being Hotel Chocolat. I haven't been game enough to walk into them yet, I'm using it as a test of will power. There are a bunch of clothes shops, all way too expensive for me, as are the shoe shops. There is a fantastic antique shop which whilst also too expensive has lots of little curios that cost nothing to look at.
There have been some beautiful sunny days this week and I've gotten myself a sandwich from Waitrose and found this little open green space near by that I can read and eat lunch in. It takes me past this alternative medicine clinic and they had their windows open letting the smell of Nag Champa waft out onto the street, reminded me of the Preston Market and all the incense I used to buy from the 2 ladies who ran the wicker shop there. Next door to them is a noodle shop called Phat Phuc which made me giggle. The English can be somewhat restrained so I didn't expect to see that on the Kings Road.
Its been my first full week living in the coach house as well which is just fantastic. I'm getting used to cooking in the Aga which is brilliant. I've been cooking for so long that to a certain extent you get a bit complacent and forget how much fun learning to cook can be. Having to adjust everything to cooking in the Aga has made me remember how much I love cooking again. The Aga forces you to be more instinctive about what you're cooking because there are no timers or temperature gauges. I'm actually starting to prefer it to cooking with gas.
Went to the Westfeild London this weekend for a haircut and the odd bits and pieces. Discovered Foyles which is this giant bookshop a bit like borders, that might get me in trouble, I've already seen books I want to buy. The Westfield is just like any other Westfeild really but possibly slightly more expensive. I'd forgotten how going to those places on my own makes me want to hurt people. Makes me want to elbow them out of the way as the wander slack jawed and awe-struck down endless aisles of the same old shops. If I'm there with someone then its ok, we can chat, stop for a drink of something but if I'm there on my own then I just want to get in, get what I need to, do what I need to and then get the hell out of there and all of these mindless shopper drones just get in my way.
Its very close though, 15 min bus trip so that's a plus.
Today has been a bit of a relaxing day, its been freezing cold due to a front coming down from Russia. We had little snow flurries and I ran out into them like a giant 2 year old. Its night here now and since about 5 pm its been snowing pretty consistently. I've been poking my head out the balcony doors and checking on it every so often. Getting down the lane tomorrow might be fun there's probably going to be about a foot of snow down there. Its all very pretty until it melts and then refreezes all over the pavement making walking on them an adventure in and of itself. Should continue for most of this week so hopefully I can get some nice photos of it for you.
I've posted some pics of the new place and some snow shots from tonight.
Will blog a little more during the week as I have to get to bed now, I'm a worker don't you know.
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